The Killer

CRank: 5Score: 36430

lets be a little bit fair here. Sony did a good thing to offer these games, however, they could have done better job with not much effort or money loss.

Sony should have expended the options for the free games, there are many 1-3 years old games that could be included in the list, also they could have offered a bonus option for those who have all the games with $40 PSN credit used for one or two PS3 machines only! etc

they could have made a better deal, for e...

4876d ago 8 agree27 disagreeView comment

i would say they didnt kill him, probably he is already long dead or still hiding somewhere or they got someone who looks similar to him, and they made this fake operation to fulfill their Hollywood movie themes.

the only way i will believe the story only if i see osama bin laden wife talking live and explaining what happened or one of his children. other wise its all fake to promote barak obama next elections!

its an old trick and it always works on the amer...

4886d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

well, true what u said that some terrorist attacks were claimed by al-qaida, but that doesnt mean osama were behind them. yes, al-qaida in many places doing terrorism and thats forbidden in islam, however, there are differences in al-qaida depending where they are located, because al-qaida in the arab countries are penetrated by the arab intelligence. its not hard to ask someone to grow a beard and behave like al-qaida then this person will do suck acts that osama bin laden never asked, to de...

4886d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

bin laden was innocent man i think. he didnt kill any civilian and was not involved in killing civilians as far as i know. but the cia fake videos and audio tapes managed to trick so many people.

all what osama bin laden asked for was for foreign armies leave the muslim land and to stop supporting the terrorist state of israel and to stop supporting the dictators of the muslim world which the people are doing it by them selves now!

now, is there anything wron...

4886d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

you have too much faith in your media and leaders! thats why america almost bankrupted!

just looking at obama saying it, if you look deep in his eyes u will see the lies!

Either bin laden was long dead ago, or this operation got someone else and they claimed to be bin laden.

if you believe too much in your leaders, u will get another 9/11 attack and they will accuse some muslim person and all will believe it.

in the end the ame...

4890d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

games is a tool to waist time and to make a lot of psychos!

and it is addicting too!

physical games are the best then other social games. psp ps3 360 3ds etc, all just a bunch of evil tools to make stupid kids shouting their stupid toy is better than the other stupid toy.

4926d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Cliff looks like a person who has many enemies! i mean his statement and look looks like he is a spoiled brat who never had to worry about making his own sandwich.

In fact, he looks gay, thats just my opinion or he looks sissy boy.

any way, he wants to be on the media to be famous and the only way to do that these days is to bash anything related to Sony.

4940d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment


an animal may try to do some sexual things with the same genre if the opposite genre is not available! but if it is available there is no such cases only in ZOOS and human interacted animals! u still havent showed me a proof! the word homo/homosexual means that a genre prefers its own genre over opposite genre, in other words gays! but the studies the scientist have shows animals are sometimes/rarely bisexual! and the reason is the lack of females!


4951d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment


Many kill for the name of democracy and freedom and to establish secular states (atheism)! millions in palestine, iraq, afghanistan, afrika and other places in the world! in fact the atheist killings in the range of millions! considering many diseases and weapons were made from the secular states!!

Animals are not homosexuals! if there is a rare case it can only proves that it is a sickness and out of the ordinary! other wise, it will be common! ...

4951d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

well, that will be being offensive and causing trouble with the second largest religion in the world! 1.8 billion Muslims.

If i start drawing insulting pictures of your mother and father or wife or any person that is dear to your heart, will you accept it and be quite about it? is that what freedom means? can i make fun pictures of how the Jews were killed by Hitler? will that be funny for the western world?

you have to learn how to respect others even if you...

4951d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

between UK and USA, 516,000 abortions per year, that's 516,000 legal small babies murder per year.

lesbians and gays can now marry and adopt children! even animals don't do that!

Rape, homicide, drugs, suicides etc are the highest in the so called "not religious countries"

Enough of your hypocrisy! time to leave your mother's basement.


This is a nice link for the crimes in USA al...

4951d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

Thats very insulting for Muslims! in Islam, we are not allowed to show any images or sounds that represents prophet Mohammad nor any other prophet as a sign of respect for them. the core idea is a fail attempt for a game and a success attempt to invoke the Muslims.

and i did a search about smiling Muslims on Google images and i found many, this shows the guy ugly inner hate for Islam and Muslims.

@DarkBlood (BELOW)
I dont know where u live in, but the...

4951d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

if patcher says wii will dominate, then 99.9% wii will come out last after 360 and ps3!!

thank u patcher for the hint!

5080d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

where liars lie bluntly without any shy or shame!

this site ( must be reported for reporting false information!

Sony has already reported a 2.5 million unit shipped with many stores run out of stock! and Sony has yet to report how many shipped controller were sold to Japan!

if the article was referring to USA alone, then the writer should make this clear! otherwise its called misleading information!

5082d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

thats the best u could come up with? make me a sandwish? i thought u would say make for me a nice rize meal or something like that!

i guess ur expectation for women is so low!

how about make u a meal, and clean ur cloths and take care of the house and kids?

men these day not much different from women! sute each other!

5084d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

why almost every female celebrity is filthy,low, money show off or a whxxx?

and why every male celeb. must be filthy, dirty, low, money show off or even gay?

and why they keep pushing nobody people as celebrities?

dont u see guys the trend? where we going?

5084d ago 8 agree19 disagreeView comment

its just depends on how we do it or use it!

a knife could be the most dangerous thing if used to kill or be the most useful thing if use for cooking!

sex with a wife is the most beautiful thing, while adultery can cause many social problems and diseases and the most famous of them all AIDS!

In Islam, we can have sex only with our wives! maximum number of wives are 4 under some conditions! so not any body can marry 4! and most muslims marry 1 ...

5089d ago 22 agree9 disagreeView comment

there was for thousand of years a one world currency! That currency called gold/silver/copper etc!

but the Zionist destroyed it in order to make usury/interest! which God forbid it in many religions and many cultures also didnt allow it!

with paper money, the money/economy controllers can play with the value! while gold/silver etc contains the value in it self!

so we will never see world currency if we use money that doesn't contai...

5092d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

if they keep putting naked women playing video games, our opinions will not change about women! that is that they are s@x objects!!

why cant they put a decent woman playing a game? does ur their moms and sisters wear underwear when playing video games?

pure propaganda! and people just keep falling for it!

and i wouldnt be surprised if any women dont want to work in the gaming industry if all the images these developers have on women are naked...

5102d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

they say its not censorship, yet they put big pressure on them to remove their freedom.

the mosque in Manhattan legally allowed yet they are pressuring them to not build it for pathetic reasons that yet no proof that any Muslim was involved in it.

i tell u something guys, pressure can be more powerful than laws in many cases!!

pressure made Pakistan give up their allies the Taliban!! pressure made many countries bend over for American i...

5106d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment